Saturday, October 22, 2016


It's day 22 in The Ultimate Blog Challenge.

First of all, thanks for coming to my blog and reading about what we are doing in the challenge. I have a favor to ask of you! Now that you are here, what would you like to know?  What question would you like answered?  What is causing the most pain for you right now?

Go on, Ask Me Anything!

Tomorrow,  I will select one or two (or a few questions) and answer them for you.

So leave a comment below and ask me a question!



  1. What a great site for helping out bloggers. My biggest question is speeding up my site and cleaning up w3 mark up?

    1. Hi Jimmy and Tina...while I don't know the answer directly to your question, I do know someone who would! Ask Paul Taubman--the co-creator of this blog challenge. That's his wheelhouse and I bet he knows! Thanks for commenting and good luck!

  2. What's causing me pain the most? My son's leaving the nest in some months for his further studies abroad. I'm not sure how I'll cope in his absence. Wonder how it will be then. Looking forward to your reply on this. Curious! :)

    1. Hello Vinodini, I am so sorry you are experiencing this pain! And I can certainly relate. I am the mother of 5 and remember clearly how difficult and painful it was for me when my oldest two daughters left to go college. That is one of the reasons I developed my company, Your Well Being Guide. I have trained and am certified in methods that provide healing in the areas personal and emotional wellbeing. I would love to have an off-line conversation with you about what you are going through, how I have helped many others find healing, and what I could do to help you. I have worked with rape victims, women who have been through divorces, had to leave their children with family instead of raising them themselves, experienced undated pregnancies and other painful situations. They have all found relief from their pain in our first session and have moved toward healing.
      It would be difficult to give you an exact answer on how long it will be before you will pain free because every situation is different, as I"m sure you can appreciate. Please feel free to email me at or even call me at 832-779-3954 so we can set up a time to talk.
      Thanks for sharing with me. There is help available.

  3. What's causing me pain the most? My son's leaving the nest in some months for his further studies abroad. I'm not sure how I'll cope in his absence. Wonder how it will be then. Looking forward to your reply on this. Curious! :)
