Saturday, October 8, 2016

Eight Days A Week

I work on the weekend.  Sometimes just on Saturday, and sometimes, both Saturday and Sunday.  I love what I do and don't really consider it "work".
Today, I spent 3/4 of my day sharing aromatherapy with folks at a school district Health Fair.
It was an absolute joy talking to parents, grandparents, and kids about using all natural, healthy, holistic alternatives for them to use to help their wellness lifestyle and create healthy habits.  The theme of the expo was Healthy Habits, Healthy Minds, and Healthy Bodies.  Aromatherapy contributes to all that!  

Purity and standards are important too.  My favorite aromatherapy line is sourced form over 40 countries around the world.  No pesticides, growth hormones, chemicals or synthetics.  Absolute purity. It's something I can be confident in representing, so when I'm working on a weekend, I'm proud of what I'm doing.

And sometimes, when I'm working, things don't go as planned. Like when I showed up today with a tablecloth for a 6' table and the table provided for me was an 8'.  Oh well!  Thanks to the organizers I had a back up! 
What do you do that you are absolutely passionate about that you'll get up at 6am on a Saturday and spend your day doing?  
#aromatherapy, #lovewhatIdo, #holisticlifestyle, #essentialoils, #healthy, #blogboost


  1. I usually get up at around 5 a.m. on a Saturday. I tried getting place cleaned up, and tidies before the husband awakes. Today was not a typical Saturday as I wrote on the post ( I love the early mornings, especially in the summer when it is light, and I can sit out on the porch drinking my morning coffee watching the sun rise.

    1. Early mornings have always been my favorite. It's the time I'm the most alert, and I love the peace that comes with an early morning. Sounds wonderful-sitting on the porch watching the sun rise with your morning coffee. I can just see it. <3

  2. What a great way to spend your day, Judith, and yea for energy hosts who helped problem solve!!
    I got up (not quite so early!) To participate in a Master Mind video call with some of my Intentional Creativity community! We've been studying (and painting!) the interface between quantum physics, creativity and leadership, in a course called PRISM.
    I tended our private Facebook classroom this week, and am still engaged with my own painting and project. Last year at graduation from the IC teacher training, one of our alumni presented an EO workshop which was a lot of fun! (Key Lee Laird)
    A little later,I visited several local art studios on our annual studio tour, and connected with a gallery owner who may hang some of my art!! Exciting day!

    1. Nadya, I want to come spend a day with you! Sounds like my kind of day. On my bucket list is learning how to throw pottery. I haven't found anyone in my area who does that, and I'm still looking for someone who can teach me. I'm exciting about see your art. :)

  3. What a great day it sounds like you had! I am not an early morning person! But having your own business, that doesn't seem to matter. My phones ring at all hours of the day & night, and I get up and answer them and then have to call and wake up my driver! But we do it to make our business grow!
