Friday, October 7, 2016

Moving Forward

Today's blog challenge is all about where I have been, where I am now, and where I'm headed.  I don't make this stuff up--it's part of the challenge!

Someone commented on my most recent post that life throws up curves, and that even our best laid plans can go awry.  That is so true! My life has certainly taken twists and turns.  And what I've learned is that everyone's life takes those twists and turns.  I haven't met one single (or married for that matter.  Ha!) person whose life is EXACTLY the way they thought it would be.

10 years ago I was a very successful financial advisor.  The problem was, I HATED what I was doing.  The money didn't even begin to make up for the misery I was in. After taking a hard look at my situation, I realized that it was me-I had allowed myself to be influenced by others and didn't stick to what I knew would make me the happiest-serving others the way I defined that service to be.  So I left being a financial advisor and set out on a journey of creating the career I wanted for me.  That journey has taken me through some twists and turns of it's own. Have you ever read The Alchemist,  by Paul Coelho?  It's about this young man, who has a dream, and takes a very twisty journey to get to his dream. I compare my personal journey with his. And just like our protagonist, I learned that everything I've encountered along the way in my journey has led me to finding my dream.

Everything I experienced along the way in my journey has contributed to lead me exactly where I am supposed to be.  Here. Now. Serving. Guiding.  Living my life that I have created.

I guide people to find the life they love.  I'm certified as a Holistic Empowerment Coach and am completing certification in a particular energy work that helps you release trapped emotions that are keeping you from fulfilling your true calling. I incorporate aromatherapy into my work, because essential oils have amazing healing properties, both emotionally and physically.  The oils can truly work where no synthetic or chemical can.  I work with actresses, business coaches, entrepreneurs, Moms, children, animals (!), and anyone who wants to break free of the bondages they carry.
My work is so satisfying and fulfilling.  I LOVE what I do now. In fact, I don't even feel like I'm working.

So that's where I've been and where I am now.  Where am I going?  To the stars---I am building an incredible business that offers light and love to others.  I offer you a way to break out of the drudgery you carry and find peace.  Connect with me to find out how that could work for you.

See ya tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Good post and I love the graphic! I, too, have jumped into a new career that is full and satisfying. The journey can be challenging, but completely worth all we learn by going through all of those twists and turns. If there is anyone out there longing for a change, I encourage you to take the leap. Be intentional and find a coach to help you through this time that leads you to your next level of success.

  2. Yes! Good for you! I'm just the coach to help too! Thanks so much for your comment. And I look forward to learning more about your journey Lisa.

  3. very inspiring journey you have must say :) best wishes

    1. Thank you Dew! It's been a real ride and I'm so glad I've hung on!

  4. Good for you!!! I know way too many people who really dislike their jobs which then trickles down to the rest of their life. Happy to hear you made a change! I haven't read that book yet but I've wanted to!! Need to pick it up!

    1. Thanks Ashley! I loved loved love The Alchemist. A must read!
