Thursday, October 20, 2016

I Get Knocked Down and I Get Up Again

Today is The Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #20.  And today's challenge topic is about when I  faced a challenge.

I remember when I was studying for my Series 7 Securities License to become a financial advisor.  It was an intense 3 months.  Study and tests ever single day.  Then there were chapter tests and the build up to the ultimate final.  Taken at a center in front of a computer.  It was one of the most challenging things I've ever done.  None of it came easily to me because I didn't have a finance background.  I had a sales background.  There was one particular section that I just couldn't get. Options.  It just didn't make sense to me.  I tried and tried and tried.  I even was asked to be on a call with one of the trainers to help me get it.  Nope.  Nothing was working.  I thought my entire future hung on the outcome of this test.  {I've since learned that isn't true! and more about that at another time}.

So I went to my boyfriend's house and we literally spend 36 hours drilling and drilling and drilling options.  No eating out, no movies, no fun, just drilling options.

And I finally got it.  And I passed my final.  And I started a new future.  And that's another story there.

What I learned about myself through that process, and in other times in my life is that I'm not a quitter, I persevere.  I make sure that I see something through.  I rise up to meet a challenge and see it through.  It has served me well.  And that stick-to-it-ness has translated to me learning how to take care of me.

I Get Knocked Down and I Get Up Again
And whenever I think about that, it makes me think of this song:

1 comment:

  1. Short, crisp and simple writing. Above all, with an inspiring note conveying a message that getting knocked down in life is alternated with getting up. It's all in the game.
