Friday, October 21, 2016

America, Long May She Stand

It's my favorite time of the year, and my least favorite time of the year.

My favorite time because it's fall, and my least favorite because it's election time.  I grow weary of negative campaigning, smear ads, mud-slinging and the general discontent an election brings about.

This year's presidential campaign has been particularly nasty.  I'm not a fan of either candidate. As a declared Independent, party affiliation does not sway my decision. I am excited about the prospect of a woman president, and I'll cast my vote for Hillary.  I'm not a huge Hillary fan, and there are many things about her that I don't care for.  When I look at her record of service at Secretary of State, and her knowledge of foreign governments and the work she has already done with them, I think that will serve her well as President.

I'm not thrilled about the options this year.  Even so, I will exercise my right as a citizen of the United States and cast my vote.

Underpinning all of this for me is the scripture that reads: There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Romans 13:1b).
Because I know that God is completely in control, I'll just leave it up to Him!  And that brings me great peace.  

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