Monday, October 17, 2016

My Top Ten Fun Things to Do

Today, I was asked to write about something that is fun to me.  I started thinking about it and couldn't come up with just one thing, so here's my top ten list!

10.  Spending time outside.  I absolutely love being outside.  And my favorite time of the year to do that is in the fall.  I live in Texas so we get about 2 weeks of fall.

9.  Reading a book-undisturbed.  I love a good novel. I read for my professional and personal development on a regular basis.  When I can find  quick, fun read, I'm all in!

8.  Cooking a gourmet meal.  I'll admit it--I'm a pretty darn good cook. I love to cook and eat.  My favorite thing is trying new recipes.

7. Playing piano.  I've played since I was 4 years old.  (I won't do the math for you). Playing piano relaxes me.

6. Taking a walk with my dog. My dog is really a dawg. He's a big 'ol mix of lab and hound. We don't walk as much as "stop, sniff and pee."  Well, he does that part--I'm along for the leash holding.

5. See an action/adventure movie.  I grew up watching Star Trek and then really got into Star Wars in college.  I'm always game for a good adventurous flick.

4.  Go on girls trips.  I have a great group of friends, and I love day trippin' with them.

3.  See my kids.  My chicks have all left the nest. Any time I get to see them, no matter how brief, is a red letter day for me.

2. Have a date night with my hubby.  We lead pretty busy lives, and being able to just relax and spend time together is my idea of perfection.

1.  Sharing my passions with others.  I love helping and sharing and just being.  It's the most fun thing about my life!

Are any of my fun things to do in your top ten?  Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. What a great top ten! I would have to say that I agree with almost all of yours!!!
