Monday, October 24, 2016

Morning Coffee???

In today's Ultimate Blog Challenge we are to write about having a cup of coffee with a friend in the morning, on our front porch. 

I can tell you that in the entire time I've lived in my house (13+ years) I've never had coffee on the front porch with a friend.  

I get up and hit the pavement most mornings with my dog, Randolph.  We walk about 30 minutes every morning.  And when I say walk, I really mean walk, stop, he sniffs, and then "baptizes" his chosen target, then we move along.  Then I come home a mix up a concoction of hemp powder (extremely high in protein and fiber), collagen powder (good for joints/skin/nails/hair) and a green veggie powder.  I also add a couple drops of lemon or wild orange essential oil.  I just ordered some liquid Tumeric, so now I'm adding a dropper of that too.  

Coffe is usually reserved for Saturday mornings.  I'm a decaf girl when I do drink and lately have found I don't even finish the cup. 

As for visiting with friends, well, we reserve that for lunches.  Without the guys around--so we can, you know, girl talk.  

How about you?  Are you a coffee person?  Lunch person?  How do you enjoy spending time with your friends?  

And as always, connect with me on social media!  The links are below!


  1. I am a coffee girl, usually my bestie and I grab a cup of Joe in the car while in town, and enjoy it on our ride, we are always chatting about something, so that is an everyday thing for us.

  2. That sounds fun! I work from my home office and my bestie works in an office. She's not a coffee drinker either! LOL

  3. I like coffee as a social drink, and as a get me going and keep me going drink. I don't drink it so much for the flavour unless it is with chocolate, but more for the cream and sugar x2. (fondly called a double double) By the time I get around to finishing a cup, it is more like an iced capochino.

  4. I am 67 years old and never had coffee! I love my hot cocoa or flavored tea though!
