Thursday, October 6, 2016

Get Back Up Again

There's this song I like by Toby Mack and the lyrics go  like this:
We lose our way, we get back up again.  Never too late to get back up again.
I especially like the line Never too late to get back up again.
The older I get, the more I've learned that everyone has gotten down at one time or another in their lives.  Illness, broken relationships, unwanted moves, kid stuff, money woes, and sometimes things very tragic and horrific.
I've experienced my own "lose our way".  When my first husband left me and our family, I thought it was the end of the world for me.  I was raised in a bubble that didn't have divorce in it.  The shame I carried around my divorce was almost unbearable.  I stuffed so much of the shame and guilt I felt about what my kids and I went through that it finally caught up to me about 10 years later.
I've been blogging about anxiety and the negative effects it can have on someone's life.  I know first hand those effects.  My anxiety about all the things I didn't "do right" in my life caused me to have both physical and emotional pain.  It was really rough for me for several years.  So much so, I was seeing both a counselor and a pain management doctor. I really looked like this most of the time.
Then I took some time to begin healing from the inside out.  I allowed myself to forgive myself, and let myself off the perfection hook.  It wasn't easy.  It took hours/weeks/months of prayer and meditation, and that prayer and meditation is still a daily part of my life.
I also adopted a more healthy lifestyle, changing my eating habits, adding in exercise and using aromatherapy on a daily basis.
These changes have helped me grow into a person who loves myself, and has found a peace and calm I never even knew existed.  I even have learned to forgive my ex-husband.  Now I look like this.

I know that many out there struggle with anxiety and pent-up emotions about situations and feel real pain around them.  I'm here to share my journey with you and the modalities I've discovered that helped me. I've become a Certified Holistic Empowerment Coach and am completing my certification as an Emotion Code Practitioner, who can help you balance your energies and let go of trapped emotional pain.
Connect with me on Facebook or twitter.  My website is coming soon!  (My website designer was severely injured in a car accident in which he was t-boned this past weekend.)
Share your anxious situations with me and let's chat.
#anxiety, #wellbeing, #calm, #peace, #aromatherapy


  1. Sometimes "getting back up" seems impossible, after all, bottom is a long ways down. Love the reference to the Toby Mack song. I don't think I've ever heard it, but it sounds like my mantra. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Nita. You can listen to the Toby Mac Song here:
      <3, Judith

  2. I know a young women that had a terrible childhood, her parents blamed her for everything and always put her down. She went through her young life thinking she was a failure and became so depressed. But she hid it and did remarkable in school while holding down a full time job. Her anxiety became worse and again, she blamed herself for everything since this was drilled in her head for so long. She is slowing climbing out of your shell with the help up a wonderful young man. I will definitely share this blog and the song with her. (I almost just wrote a blog LOL) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for sharing this. This young woman is exactly the type of person I'm working with through my Your Well Being Guide business. I help people discover and release trapped emotions that are the root of their anxiety and depression and find the true essence of what they are--love and light. The energy work is amazing and very healing. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  3. Hi, Judith. Thanks so much for this post. It was sort of written with me in mine... Grew up in an alcoholic home with a narcissistic mother and I never measured up. Found my solace in the bottom of a bottle and stayed drunk for about 14 years. Felt like I failed in most areas of my life, including the end of my first marriage.

    I've since been faced with many other challenges, including many traumas.

    I'm very fortunate that I found a 12 step recovery program that opened my eyes and a whole new world of acceptance and wellness.

    As a human, I fail from time to time, but I try to keep my mantra as "To Thine Own Self be True".

    The struggle and digging out of the hole can be difficult, but is so worth it in the end.


    1. Jane, how brave of you to share. Thank you. The myth is that we are alone in our struggles and that no one "out there" has gone through anything tough. That's simply not true. And I love that the women commenting on this post, including you are coming together and being strong in sharing their stories. Hugs to you.

  4. What great advise, no matter how dreary it looks, when you get up and dust yourself off, you usually come out better in the end! Good luck in your journey.

    1. Thank you Busy Mommy! Yes, the getting up and dusting off is important. And, building community with each other is too. Thanks for commenting.

  5. Thank you, Judith, for sharing your story. Life doesn't always go as planned. It can be hard to go to the places that life takes you, but they can turn out to be even better than the places that you planned on being. I'm glad that you've healed from the challenges that you've experienced. I too have experienced a lot of healing. Hugs.
