Monday, October 3, 2016

Getting To Know Me

The old song--Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.  I can hear it playing in my head.  Julie Andrews sang it in The King and I.  So this blog will be slightly different because it will be Getting To Know Me, Getting To Know All About Me.
Sounds a little presumptuous, that you want to know all about me.  Because I'm in this Ultimate Blog Challenge, I'm following the suggestions of the creators and introducing you to me.
I took a life time out in 2008, after leaving a highly successful career as a financial advisor, and basically sat on my couch for 6 months.  I worked through a bunch of stuff that I had set aside, so I could just carry on with life, support my 5 kids, navigate a new marriage and do what every one else expected of me.  It turned out that carrying on with life, on everyone else's terms was almost my undoing.
When I decided that I'd had enough, and that I was ready to "do" lif
e on my own terms, I called a halt to the madness and took some time to figure out what I wanted.
It was the best decision I've ever made.
Because of my journey, I learned that there are literally 100 of thousand's of people out there just "doing" life every day. With no peace, no joy, filled with anxiety, loosing sleep, racked with pain, both physically and emotionally.  I can really relate, because I was there.
The coolest thing about my life now is that I "be".  I don't "do" life any more.  I live in a state of being that includes peace, sheer joy, forgiveness, calm, and happiness I've never known was even possible.
What changed?  I discovered that I choose my state.  And in that choosing I've discovered modalities that lead me straight toward the peace, joy, happiness and calm that was for so long utterly elusive,
Filled with compassion and passion, I now bring those modalities to others, and offer myself as a guide to bring you to being in the peace I've found, with all that encompasses.
I look forward to learning more about you.  And I offer my service to you.  Please feel free to reach out to me via my FB page or through twitter @yrwelbeinggude to connect.
Namaste and Blessings to you.


  1. Way to go! It is so refreshing to see someone who takes charge and makes their life what they want it to be.

  2. Hi Judith,
    I meet the greatest people here on #blogboost.
    Welcome to the mode of living life rather than doing life.
    After all we are human beings not human doings.
    When we work at life the way others think we should, it is no wonder we feel like we are full of should.
    Retirement from working someone else's schedule is awesome when you are ready to accept it.
