Friday, October 14, 2016

Guiding you to Well Being

When was the last time you took a look at how you're doing?  You know--are you feeling peaceful or stressed? Is your day filled with anxiety?  Do you sleep at night?  How are your relationships?  Do you love where you work and what you are doing?  How's your health?  Are you sick with colds and the sniffles all the time?  Is your digestive track on track--or slightly off kilter?  Do you have frequent headaches?  What about your emotional state?  Do you live in a state of joy and happiness, contentment and calm? Or do you live with constant struggles and unease?

Did you know that everyone you come in contact with can "feel" your energy-and you can "feel" theirs?  

Everything I'm asking about contributes to your overall state of Well Being.

I'm Your Well Being Guide.  I guide you to the live the life you love.  

By incorporating energy work and aromatherapy, I am able to help you release negative energies you have stored up in your body and bring your body back into balance, so you can have that sense and feeling of complete well being. 

Energy.  It's all around you.  It's renewable, sustainable, viable.  You use it to fuel your vehicle, fly a jet plane, mow your yard.  It's from wind, water, coal, and nuclear sources.  Did you know that YOU-yes, YOU-are full of energy and you carry it everywhere you go?

You body is full of energy.  It full of positive energies that move you along your life's journey to live life with the fullest sense of contentment and peace possible.

There is the negative side of your energy, too.  Those negative energies are trapped in your body, in your organs, joints, muscles, all-over your body.  These negative energies are emotional responses that you created in a given situation and which are preventing you from being at ease. You may find that you carry bitterness, fear, a feeling of forlornness, shock, heartache and many other emotions with you. And you may not be sure from where they come. 

I use a healing method, called Emotion Coding,  to help you release these negative energies.  Through muscle testing, I am able to find and release these trapped emotions that are causing your negative energies.  Many people find they have less pain, more happiness and feelings of freedom when they have going through a session with me.  

I couple aromatherapy with the energy work I do.  Aromatherapy, using essential oils  helps you raise your vibrational frequency and set your energies to the highest levels possible.  Diffusing essential oils, massaging them onto your body and even taking them internally (I don't recommend this method except with the purest of all essential oils) are all forms of aromatherapy. 

If you would be interested in a complimentary session with me, please feel free to comment below, or connect with me on my social media sites.  

Let's #journeytogether 

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