Thursday, January 5, 2017

Where do you live?

Where do you live?

I'm not asking what your zip code is, or what country you live in.

What I'm asking is where do you "be" everyday?

Are you living in Anxiety?  Fear? Stress?
Anger?  Lack?  Procrastination?  Judgment?

Are you living in calm?  Peace?  Love?  Acceptance?  Kindness?  Serenity?  Joy?

There's a painting of a bird sitting serenely on a limb of tree during the most horrid storm.  The winds are raging around the little bird, the rain is slashing all around, and yet the little bird sits there.  Calmly, peacefully.  The zip code the bird is living in is storm and the way the little bird is being is calm, peaceful, serene.

Yesterday I wrote about living in joy.  It's about "being" joyful regardless of the circumstances of life.

You can choose where you live--in the anxiety, fear, stress, anger, lack, procrastination and judgement or calm, peace, love, acceptance, kindness, serenity and joy.

How do you do that?  You choose.  You choose your reactions.  You choose how you show up.  You choose your actions that move you into the state you'd like to be in.

Want to know more?  Just ask me and we can talk.

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