Sunday, January 8, 2017

And Wink and a Nod at the Retrograde's End

Mercury has been in Retrograde since December 19, 2016.  I didn't know much about this Retrograde thing until about a year ago.  I noticed weird things happening with electronics, communications, business dealings and found out that those sorts of things can go off the rail when Mercury is in Retrograde.
This time around, the electricity in my bathroom went completely out even before the Retrograde started.  I asked on FB if we were in Retrograde and found out it was the "pre-shadow" period.  Turns out it was a simple little fix for my bathroom to bring it back on line.
We've had a few weird things happen in our family and in our home during this time period.  Nothing like what I've heard happening to other people.  I talked to someone today who had every appliance in their home go out over the last 3 weeks.  And I've heard all sorts of stories of people experiencing unusual things the last few weeks.
Then this morning happened.  My husband and I were trying to decide if we wanted to go to church or not.  For us Texans the temps have been a little frigid and we weren't all together too sure we wanted to get out in the weather.  So, we made the decision to go and while we were getting ready our ENTIRE HOUSE lost power.  It's not unusual for our little town to have power outages during different weather, so I started asking my neighbors if they had lost power.  NO ONE had lost power except us.  Long story short, it was a breaker on our outside pole that had flipped.  A quick visit from a city worker and we were back up and running.
It got me thinking.  We were flip-flopping about our decision today.  And then, the electricity flipped.  Kind of how we had been flip-flopping back and forth about what we were going to do.  How many times in my life have I been indecisive and flip-flopping and that is EXACTLY what shows up in my life?
I thought about how I manifest what shows up in my life.  And today I was manifesting flip-flopping. And boom, our electricity flips off.
So, with a Wink and a Nod, the Retrograde leaves me with a pretty cool lesson--be CLEAR about my intentions and I will manifest exactly what I create.  No more flip-flopping for me!

Follow me on social media:
FB:  Your Well Being Guide
Twitter: @yrwelbeingguide
Instagram:  Your Well Being Guide


  1. Mercury doesn't have to be in retrograde for me to have issues with electronics. Although you post makes me wonder if that's why two of my televisions went kaput. Two different times, the tv was working, I went out of town, I returned, the tv wasn't working. At least that's an explanation.

    1. Nita-You could have a problem with your polarity--it could be reversed. There is a way to fix it! I can muscle test for you to see if that's the problem or if there is another issue. :)
