Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year New You

Happy New Year!

2017.  I can't think of a new year that has been more anticipated, welcomed and celebrated.  It seems that there is universal agreement that 2016 was a tough year and most people didn't mind seeing it go.

For me, 2016 was really a good year.  As I continue on my personal development journey, I added to the offerings I have to guide people to live the life they love,  and I found an even deeper sense of balance, serenity and peace.  I added 2 new certifications, Holistic Empowerment Coach and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and am excited to be coaching people to find what's keeping them from living their optimal life, free of burdens and whatever is weighing them down.

Several meme's have been on Facebook today about this being the first day of a blank year and how you have the ability to write it the way you want.  There is truth to that. There is also the reality that you didn't automatically shed all your baggage you've been carrying around with you at the stoke of midnight and wake up up with a clean slate.

As you look forward, what do you want to leave in the past?  Is it possible for you to really create a new you, in the new year?  Absolutely.  Releasing emotions that create negative energy in your spirit and body can help you wipe the slate clean and bring you to balance and center.  Its easier to move forward when you aren't carrying the weights of the past.

Want to know more about how you can live 2017 as a new you?  Send me a message and let's talk.

Happy New Year to a New You!

P.S.  Stay tuned for my new website launch coming soon!  In the meantime, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.  


  1. Thank you for these words, Judith!

    1. You are so welcome Darby! Create 2017 to be the best!

  2. You have rightly pointed out that overnight change is not possible. Change is a slow process and takes tiny efforts on a daily basis. It would be interesting to read how one can make such changes in their daily life.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you as part of UBC.

    Do take a look at my latest post for UBC:

    You may want to add your twitter handle in your sharing button message. I had to look you up on Twitter and added this handle: @YrWelBeingGuide in the tweet while sending the link to my followers - hope it is correct.

  3. Enjoyed your observations Mayura. I will be sure and address how one can make changes in daily life. And thanks for the tip about my twitter handle. Create a wonderful day for yourself!
