Monday, January 2, 2017

Shed the Past

The bare trees of winter used to make me sad.  After enjoying their beautiful green leaves all throughout spring and summer, then the beautifully red/gold/yellow leaves of fall, I hated seeing the trees with their bare limbs.

Then, I grew to realize  there is a rhythm to everything-seasons, relationships, careers, the  And then I learned to love the bare limbs of the winter tree.

During the fall of 2016 I worked and received my certification as an Emotion Code Practitioner.  I help people release trapped emotions and let go of that which has been holding them back and down.  I help them shed the past by bringing them back into balance and find peace.

It's like the winter tree. The tree must shed the past to be able to move into the future--the buds of spring, the leaves of summer and the colors of fall.

We have to shed the past too.  We need to let go of the the past to allow us to bud into new life within us.  Holding on the past causes distress and dis-ease in our bodies.  Holding onto hurts, wrongs, ill feelings, regrets--all those create negative energy within us that can lead to dis-ease and illness within us.

Did your partner/spouse/friend say something that hurt your feelings yesterday?  Shed it and let go of it.
Did someone cut you off in traffic?  Let that fall away like the leaf.
Still holding on to something from 15 years ago? Release it.
Create the environment you need to bring new life within you to fruition.

Don't know how to let go? That's my specialty--helping you release.

Join me on
Twitter: @yrwelbeingguide
Instagram: yourwellbeingguide
Pinterest: Judith Richey


  1. "It's like the winter tree. The tree must shed the past to be able to move into the future--the buds of spring, the leaves of summer and the colors of fall. "

    This reminds me of the saying, "We have to let go of the past to make room for the future" and also, "Let go of the good to make room for the great!"

    I often find comfort in clutching onto the past becuase it is familiar. Letting go means that I am surrendering to the unknown and this can be scary.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Good advice, especially when suffering from illness. Like your comparison to a winner tree.
