Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What's Holding You Back?

When was the last time you had a jealous fit over something you saw that you didn't have?  I have a friend who was really having a hard time because his best friend took a first class trip to Italy--first class everything--airfare, hotels, meals, you name it, it was first class.  My friend really got worked up because he wasn't able to even take a weekend trip to the La Quinta in the next town, much less a first class trip to Italy.

When he shared his jealously with me, I asked him...what's holding you back from taking that kind of trip. The list was long and exhaustive.  I owe too much money to the IRS, I don't have enough closed business,  I'm too far in debt, and on and on and on.  

What interesting is that those things are really only the manifestations of what really holding him back.  And that is him living in lack.  His real problem is that he doesn't believe he can achieve his dreams and goals, and that life is stacked against him.  And those beliefs come from stuff he's been carrying around with him his whole life.  He has a myriad of emotions around not measuring up, not achieving, not getting what he wants.  He is literally trapped and he carries trapped emotions around that are keeping him from getting that first class trip.

I'm in the business of setting people like my friend (and maybe you?) free.  It's 100% of what I do.

Are you stuck in a job or career that doesn't pay you what you are worth?  Are your relationships where you want?  Are you in pain physically or emotionally?  

As a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, I can find the trapped emotions you are carrying and release them...giving you the gift of freedom.  Freedom to have your dreams come to reality, freedom to have the bank account you only thought other people could have, freedom to live without the physical pain you feel every day.

Get in touch with me to find out how I can help you release what's holding you back and help you move to the live you want.

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