Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Find Joy Everyday

Did you know there is a difference between Joy and Happiness?  Happiness is circumstantial.  Happiness happens in a given moment, and can come and go.  It's when you receive a gift that you've been wanting.  It's when your favorite football team wins the game.  It's when you bring home your favorite ice cream for dessert-and for those in Texas--it was when Blue Bell when back into production after having to take a break for public health reasons.  Happiness comes and goes.  It's fleeting.  Happiness is an emotion.

Joy, in the other hand, is deep and abiding.  It isn't tied to circumstances or happenings.  Joy stays with you, no matter what is happening around you and to you.  Joy is an attitude of the heart.  Joy is the knowing that no matter what, no matter who does something mean or untoward to you, no matter your circumstances, you have that deep and abiding sense that all is well and you will be ok.  Joy is contentment, regardless of what's happening around you.

You can experience both Happiness and Joy at the same time.  In fact, happiness and joy are closely tied in writings throughout history.  Is there anything inherently wrong with Happiness?  Not at all.  Is there something to Joy that Happiness doesn't offer?  Yes!  Finding Joy brings one that sense of well-being that permeates life, no matter what.  How do you develop Joy in your life?  Here's just a few ways to start developing Joy in your life.  There are many more!

1.  Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness comes from being fully aware-being present.  When you are talking with someone, instead of anticipating your answer, or thinking about 100 other things, really concentrate on that person and what they are saying.  Really be present to the situation.  Mindfulness helps you focus on the moment and that focus will bring Joy.

2.  Give your belief system a tune-up.  Are you holding on the negative thoughts and beliefs?  Do you
harbor ill feelings and grudges? Let go of them.  Tuning up your belief system can lead you to Joy by expunging those thought and beliefs that weight you down.

3.  Practice gratitude.  One of the most frequent conversations I have with my clients who are experiencing pain and suffering in their lives is around gratitude.  What are they grateful for?  Sometimes, its hard for them to find something to be grateful for when all they see around them is the bad they are experiencing.  I recommend starting a daily practice of writing one thing they are grateful for.  It can be as simple as breathing, or having a job, or the sun shining.  Start with one small thing you are grateful for everyday and soon you'll find more and more things you are grateful for.

Want to know more about how to bring Joy into your life?  Follow me on social media to find out more.

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Twitter: YrWelBeingGuide
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