Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Sorrow of Loss

 It's been a tough week in our family this week.  A week of final goodbyes to our precious pets and family members.  The joys of having pets is all the snuggles, walks, ball chasing, purrs, licks and happy to see-you's that abound.  The sorrows are having to say goodbye as they take the next part of their journey.
Monday we said goodbye to the best walking buddy I could ever have asked for, our dog Randolph.  He was just the gentlest of souls, at one and zen with the squirrels and the occasional neighborhood cat that would come into our backyard.  He loved to act like he was a total badass-barking at folks as they walked past and defending us against all sorts of imaginary monsters who might do us harm.  He never attacked anyone- except us- with the most exuberant of licks and love.
This morning, our senior cat, Missy, took her next step to the journey beyond.
A cuddle and purr baby, she was the tiniest of things, even full grown she
weighed less than 7 lbs.  Diagnosed with renal disease in Jan of 16, she
ate special food that was medicine for her and helped her stay alive for another
22 months.  What a blessing that was.
My kids are concerned about our remaining pet, Jeff, and how he will fare
as an only in our household.  He already knows somethings different and
feels a little sad.  I understand completely.  I feel it too.
So, for those of you who have your pets close by, give them a little extra love today.  And I have such gratitude for these two lives I had the privilege of sharing.  I can see them snuggled up together, soaking up the sunshine and loving on each other already.

1 comment:

  1. Condolences and take care. That's alot - 2 losses in a week. My dog, Sheba is 11 years old. She's quite grey around the mouth. Even her eyelashes are white but she's still pretty lively and healthy. I'm hoping we'll have her for a long while yet.

