Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Leaving It for Fall

My favorite time of the year is Fall.  I love the color weather, the changing leaves, outdoor activities. What I haven't always enjoyed is the falling leaves.  They wither and die, and then fall to the earth to just rot, or get racked up and bagged. It was all a little depressing to me.  
Until, that is, I realized that it's part of the necessary process.  Without the leaves falling, the trees are not able to sprout new leaves and grow. If the leaves were to stay attached to the tree, the tree would not flourish.  According to EarthSky, http://earthsky.org/earth/why-do-trees-shed-their-leaves , trees shedding their leaves is how trees keep themselves healthy and growing!  
People could take a lesson from trees.  I have been helping people shed trapped emotions and find emotional health in their lives as a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.  When I compare the process leaves go through, shedding the leaf is equivalent to releasing trapped emotions. When we release emotions we've had trapped in our bodies, we help our body stay healthy.  Trapped emotions contribute to emotion distress and physical dis-ease.  These emotions can be from a major trauma or from a minor incident.  When we don't take the time to fully process the feeling we have, the emotion becomes trapped.  It causes our whole body to be out of whack.  Eastern philosophy holds that all disease originates in emotional distress.

I love helping people release and shed their trapped emotions.  For me, it's like watching the tree shed the leaves and make room for new growth.  If you want to know more about releasing the emotions that have you experiencing blockages and a lack of growth, I'd be more than happy to talk with you.  

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