Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wait, you say. You're a month early.  It's Christmastime.

Actually, for us Lutherans, it is the beginning of a New Year, in the church calendar sort of way.

Today is the first Sunday in Advent.  The month of preparing our hearts for the birth of the Christ-child.

As I participated in worship today, my mind wondered to the fact that it is a month of anticipation.  And, it started me thinking about new beginnings.  In the western world, we spend so much time preparing, planning, goal-setting and figuring out just the "perfect" diet and exercise program to begin on Jan 2.  Because, let's face it--most people are too hungover and/or partied out to do much of anything on Jan. 1.

And then, I read this afternoon, that most people abandon any new plan that includes change, less than 16 days into the routine.  It becomes too hard, the old habits take back over, and our mind offers resistance to the change we are asking.  What is really intriguing, is that it is exactly when that resistance shows up, that the change is starting to occur!

I bet you've already begun listing all the goals you want to achieve in 2019.  You may have even been to a Vision Board Workshop where you cut out pictures and glue to them to a board you hang somewhere in your office to remind you of said goals.  You might have toyed with the idea of hiring a business/fitness/life coach to help you push through and achieve those goals!

I've been thinking about new beginnings, goals, and achievement a lot lately.  This year, I decided to allow my business to grow more organically.  What did that mean?  It meant I gave up pushing, saying yes to events that didn't want to be a part of, forcing conversations that I didn't want to be a part of, and trying to be what someone else thought I needed to be in my business.

I loved the flow.  I loved the natural progression of how my business grew-through referrals and worth of mouth. I loved it when I volunteered to give a talk at one of my networking groups and the positive response I got.  It was delightful.  And, it gave me the opportunity to look at places that weren't working so well, flowing, in my business.

Does that mean I'm giving up growing my business?  Oh no.  It means now, more than ever, I want more.  I want more clients, to reach more people, to help more.

And now this is where I circle back to a Happy New Year.

My New Year consists of the ability to choose what new methods of spreading the message about the healing work I do, and how it magnificently helps set people free from the bonds that have been holding them captive.

This New Year holds excitement, new practices, learning new technologies, a little fear, and a whole lot of "just do it".

I'm full of anticipation.  I'm enjoying a duality this Advent.  Preparation for the Christ-child, who's birth rocked the world, and still continues to do so today.  Because, even though I am remembering the preparation, I'm also fully cognizant of His presence with me now.  And the preparation of starting the calendar New Year with a fully devised and carefully laid out (and flexible) mapping of my 2019 intentions.

What are you planning for the New Year?  Do you have ideas?  Desires?  Goals?  Let me know.  I want to hear from you.

I'm excited for the New Year,  both the church New Year and the calendar New Year.  Stay tuned for updates.