Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wait, you say. You're a month early.  It's Christmastime.

Actually, for us Lutherans, it is the beginning of a New Year, in the church calendar sort of way.

Today is the first Sunday in Advent.  The month of preparing our hearts for the birth of the Christ-child.

As I participated in worship today, my mind wondered to the fact that it is a month of anticipation.  And, it started me thinking about new beginnings.  In the western world, we spend so much time preparing, planning, goal-setting and figuring out just the "perfect" diet and exercise program to begin on Jan 2.  Because, let's face it--most people are too hungover and/or partied out to do much of anything on Jan. 1.

And then, I read this afternoon, that most people abandon any new plan that includes change, less than 16 days into the routine.  It becomes too hard, the old habits take back over, and our mind offers resistance to the change we are asking.  What is really intriguing, is that it is exactly when that resistance shows up, that the change is starting to occur!

I bet you've already begun listing all the goals you want to achieve in 2019.  You may have even been to a Vision Board Workshop where you cut out pictures and glue to them to a board you hang somewhere in your office to remind you of said goals.  You might have toyed with the idea of hiring a business/fitness/life coach to help you push through and achieve those goals!

I've been thinking about new beginnings, goals, and achievement a lot lately.  This year, I decided to allow my business to grow more organically.  What did that mean?  It meant I gave up pushing, saying yes to events that didn't want to be a part of, forcing conversations that I didn't want to be a part of, and trying to be what someone else thought I needed to be in my business.

I loved the flow.  I loved the natural progression of how my business grew-through referrals and worth of mouth. I loved it when I volunteered to give a talk at one of my networking groups and the positive response I got.  It was delightful.  And, it gave me the opportunity to look at places that weren't working so well, flowing, in my business.

Does that mean I'm giving up growing my business?  Oh no.  It means now, more than ever, I want more.  I want more clients, to reach more people, to help more.

And now this is where I circle back to a Happy New Year.

My New Year consists of the ability to choose what new methods of spreading the message about the healing work I do, and how it magnificently helps set people free from the bonds that have been holding them captive.

This New Year holds excitement, new practices, learning new technologies, a little fear, and a whole lot of "just do it".

I'm full of anticipation.  I'm enjoying a duality this Advent.  Preparation for the Christ-child, who's birth rocked the world, and still continues to do so today.  Because, even though I am remembering the preparation, I'm also fully cognizant of His presence with me now.  And the preparation of starting the calendar New Year with a fully devised and carefully laid out (and flexible) mapping of my 2019 intentions.

What are you planning for the New Year?  Do you have ideas?  Desires?  Goals?  Let me know.  I want to hear from you.

I'm excited for the New Year,  both the church New Year and the calendar New Year.  Stay tuned for updates.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Day I Almost Forgot

It's been 21 years to the day that my first husband called me on the phone and delivered the following: "I don't love you anymore, I don't want to be married.  I want a divorce."  In an instant my whole world shattered.

It was really interesting today when I realized the date and the significance of February 22.  There was absolutely no emotional charge around it today.  21 years ago my husband told me that he didn't want to be married (to me, at least) any more.

I was raised in a family that didn't really "do" divorce.  Almost everyone I knew growing up was married--never divorced. We just didn't have a culture of divorce.  So the thought of going through a divorce, being divorced, just mortified me.  I thought I would be cast out of my family, and from society for that matter.  I felt like I walked around with a scarlet D on my chest.

The bottom fell out of my life 21 years ago.  I was devastated.  My heart literally broke.  I didn't know what to do, or how to manage. I was completely lost.

I made SO many mistakes during that time.  I was so naive.  I didn't have a clue about so many things.  I know I let my children down, many times.  Didn't make good decisions.  Didn't know how to reach out and get help.  I just did the best I could and kept going.

Today, I look at my life and I am filled with gratitude and aware of the many blessings I have.  I can even tell you with all honesty that I have forgiven--myself for all the mistakes I made, my ex-husband, his mistress, and the list goes on and on.  It took me a LONG time to get to that forgiveness.  For many years I was filled with regret, grief, bitterness, anger, hurt and pain.  Now, those emotions around my divorce just simply don't exist anymore.

How did I get here?  To a place of peace and gratitude?  I learned that we all carry ugly, nasty, awful stuff around with us that molds and shapes the way we think-about ourselves and others.  It shapes the way we interact and how we receive.  It affects our thoughts and our behaviors.  When I realized my situation was a result of two people who were carrying around that nastiness without any healing, I was able to be in a place of forgiveness.

The cool thing is, I don't live with all that yuck anymore, and no one else has to either.  It is possible to shed it, be rid of it, recognize it and release it and live in a completely different way of being.

I've now dedicated my life to helping people release and live a life that is filled with love, joy, peace, balance, and gratitude.

I look at this day, from 21 years ago and view it from a perspective of "Wow, if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Today is February 22.  It's a good day.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Remembering Dad

My Dad passed away December 18, 2017, peacefully in his sleep.  Here are some thoughts and remembrances I shared at his funeral.

We all gather here today with our own, different, memories of Dad.  He was known as son, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew, grandson, husband, dad, grandpa, and friend.  My Dad touched so many lives, and I’m not sure he was even aware of the impact he had.  

Dad was the real deal when it came to good men.  He was a really good man.  I told my husband, they just don’t make them like him any more.  He and Mom were married 64.5 years when she passed away. They had a love story that stood the test of time, raising children, running a farm and Dad working “in town.”  He would come home every day for lunch, and then lay down for a quick nap (a habit I have taken up in my adult life) and then go back to work.  Then it was home for farm chores and duties.  For many years, on Fridays, it was lunch at Reyes’ cafe-a real treat.  

Dad’s office at Heldt Bros for most of his career had a big picture window overlooking the yard. He truly cared about the men and the families that were represented among the Heldt employees.  He told me stories of talking them through personal crisis’ and helping them figure out things.  Some took the advice, some didn’t, and mostly they all respected Dad.  

He was loyal.  He stayed at his job with Heldt Bros. for 40 years. Through the good times and the bad times in the oil field, he stuck with Heldt Bros.  
He was loyal to his family and friends too.  His lifelong friend, George Frank, lived just 1/4 of a mile from him his whole life.  Those two had all kinds of wild tales of the mischief they got into as boys riding their horses all over the countryside- and uphill both ways in the snow to school.  He was loyal to my Mom.  After she passed, he was sharing with me that he was never once tempted to be unfaithful to her…and he had offers!  But he wasn’t that kind of a man.  He was a really GOOD man.  He loved Mother like I’ve never seen anyone love before.  They had their good times and rough times too.  No matter what, he loved and stayed committed through it all.  He was an outstanding model and example of what fidelity, loyalty, commitment and marriage could be.  He missed her tremendously when she passed and now I smile, knowing they are together again.

Dad was funny. He took a pottery class at A&M to fulfill one of his electives when he worked on completing his Bachelor’s. He had a little funny drawing of a cowboy that he put on the bottom of his pieces. He would sign letters EEG with his distinctive signature.  When the grandkids would come see him, he would read them books and then mess with them on purpose and change the words around…they would say “But Grandpa, that’s not what it says” and everyone would have a good laugh! And he loved to walk down the hall in the VERY early morning, throw on the lights, singing and yell “Good morning, it’s time to get up!

He was generous. My dad taught me about selflessness, sacrifice and generosity.  He and Mom tithed, gave donations to causes they believed in and took care of people.  There was a family who they brought baskets to at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.  They helped with school clothes and supplies.  They did this for many years.  Not for any sort of recognition, but because it was a kind and good thing to do.  

Dad loved unconditionally.  He loved his wife, his family, siblings, parents, cousins, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  He was delighted at having a large family and just loved everyone so much.  His fondest wish was that we would all come live in Alice in a family compound, close to him, so he could see us all often.  He understood us growing up and away, and being independent.  There wasn’t a phone call or visit I had with him that he didn’t ask about all of my children.  He wanted to hear over and over about all their lives.  

My Dad was kind.  He was a man of manners. Held the doors open for people, said please and thank you. He greeted people he knew, when he saw them at the store.  He stopped and chatted.  He had TIME for people. He remembered people and asked about their families.   Most phone calls ended with “Thank you for calling”.  Being raised German, and without much verbal affection, it was wonderful these last few months that when I would call, those phone call endings also included him saying “I Love You too”, at the end of our calls. 

And lets talk COWS.  The man loved his cows.  He was raised on a dairy farm and learned to love the companionship his cows offered and loved taking care of them.  He would know the history of each cow in his herd, and knew everything about them.  The kids loved riding out into the fields with him to “throw cubes” and just spend time on the farm with him.  

Dad was a man of faith.  We went to Sunday school and church growing up, and then came home on Sunday’s for a family lunch with discussion around the table about that day’s sermon.  He taught Sunday school, helped in many capacities here at Immanuel, and shared his faith in quiet ways, every day.  Just being the kind of man he was spoke volumes to how he lived out his faith. 

A friend asked me last week what my favorite memory of Dad was.  I have two. It snowed when I was about 6 and Dad came and woke me up to take me outside to see it.  Everything was blanketed in white. No foot steps anywhere.  We walked down the driveway and Dad opened his arms outward and said “It’s a veritable Winter Wonderland”  Indeed it was.  
The whole family would go to Biry, west of San Antonio, for Thanksgiving and hunting when we were growing up.  One day, Dad took me out to sit in the deer blind with him.  We saw a very large herd of deer, with does, fawns, and 13 bucks.  It was incredible.  We sat there together, just fascinated and incredulous that there were that many bucks running with the does.  A very special time just me and Dad, and a very special memory.

I will miss my Dad.  He was a truly special man, and it is a true statement that the world is a better place for him being in it.